The lifestyle court

Rock ‘n’ roll, cigars, whiskey, and a fucking fantastic haircut. Scumbash is a lifestyle. So that’s what you can expect on the festival site: not only music but the full package including haircuts by the world-famous Schorem Barbiers, sick art by tattoo artists and so on. SCHOREM BARBIER Inspired by Speedfest, the men from Rotterdam’s […]


Bus departures from Rotterdam Central station, “stop GG” at Conradstraat, which is also the return location after the event. The bus tickets are retour tickets. Buses depart from 11:00 AM ’till 6:00 PM. Returning from ScumBash to Rotterdam Central can be done at any time between 20:00 and 01:00. Book your tickets here


A couple of weeks ago, we informed you that -due to Covid-19- ScumBash V had to be cancelled. On this day we announce a new date for our festival:   Mark February 4, 2023 on your calendar because on this day we are going to raise our glasses to the gods and demons of rock […]